Installation Guide

Post Clip Installation Instructions:
Jerith’s post clip eliminates the need to put screws into the posts to hold the rails in place. Simply slide the clips into the end of each rail and push the
rails into the post holes. The clips will lock the rails into place without a screw! To install the clips into the rails, follow these easy steps:
1. Line up the clip so the tabs are on top and 2. Slide the clip at a slight angle into the end of the rail using
point away from the end of the rail. a glove or a plastic shipping clip to protect your thumb.
3. Continue sliding the clip into the rail, straightening it as it goes in. The clip will stop when it hits the edge of the notch.
4. Repeat for all rails, then slide each side of a section into a post. The rails will snap into the post holes. That’s all there is to it!