users manual

Backup Audio for
Remote Broadcasts
You may have the nest IP CODEC
available, but if the internet goes
down, there goes the remote. Simply
plug BlueDriver-F3 into the mic-level
master audio output of your mixer or
CODEC. Pair to your cell phone which
is dialed into the station. This setup
allows voice band audio, through your
cell phone, back to the station.
The mini cable provided with your
BlueDriver allows you to connect the
<Rec> output from the BlueDriver-F3
to an unbalanced mono or stereo input
to allow for monitoring the return audio
from the station. Be sure to use a mix-
minus setup to ensure that the caller's
audio is not returned to them through
the cell phone connection.
Wireless Applications
FAQ: Why can't I hear audio from the <Rec>
output when connected to my mixer?
The BlueDriver F3 <Rec> output is an un-
balanced output which needs to be connected
to an unbalanced input on your mixer. If you
are connecting to a balanced input, Left and
Right channels will cancel each other out.
Try connecting to a stereo line input instead.
Power Rec
Wireless Applications