
If all mass scheduling is completed for the school year, schedules should be
“locked” in Schedules Develop Locking Options. The access code is the
school’s postal area code. Students can then have schedules altered individually
but the “Schedule Students” function is disabled.
Import prerequisites from the previous year in Schedules Prerequisites Edit
Prerequisites Import (button) if prerequisites are used.
Decide how you will send out report cards. JMC now offers emailed report cards
for report cards, custom report cards, mid-term report cards, and standards and
benchmarks (elem) report cards. This can be a time and money saver for your
If Transcripts are used and all previous year’s transcript information is up-to-date,
turn on the transcript linker in File Administrator Options (Check the box)
Use transcript results for cumulative data. After the Transcript Linker has
“linked” the years together it will give you a Summary of the number of students
it will update. Click the “Use Transcript” button. (You will need the JMC
Administrator Password to view this screen.)
Choose Standardized Test Scores to be seen “On Screen” and “On Transcripts” in
Grading Transcripts Test Score Selections. The “On Screen” settings are
saved for each user. On the Grading Transcripts Edit Student Test Scores
choose “selected categories” in the Display drop down menu (upper right corner
of the screen) if you only want to choose from the test scores you’ve selected.
Import Credit Checker data from the previous year in Grading Transcripts
Edit Requirement Subject Areas. Choose the graduation year you want to import
for and click “Import” (button in top right corner). Next, go to Grading
Transcripts Edit Graduation Credit Requirements and choose the year you want
to work with. Click the “Import” button.
Period Attendance
Anyone who is new to recording daily attendance in the office should view the
“Intro to Period Attendance – Next-Gen” instructional video.
Review the reasons for student’s absences and cutoffs for full/half day attendance
in Period Attendance Data Edit Reasons and Cutoffs. Add or delete any
reasons as is necessary and review all checkmarks in the “Include in conversion”
Standards and Benchmarks
Import all 13-14 Standard and Benchmark Definitions in Standard and
Benchmarks Definitions Import Standards and Benchmarks Definitions from
Prior Year.
Download and use the “Standards and Benchmarks Instructional Documentation”
at our website on the Secretary/Office Professionals page on the SB tab. This is a