Owner's Manual Part 1

Quick Reference Guide
Why does the beeper
sound when I turn the
engine off?
The beeper sounds when you turn off the engine with the
driver’s door open.
Why do I hear a screeching
sound when I apply the
brake pedal?
The brake pads may need to be replaced. Have your vehicle
inspected by a dealer.
Unleaded gasoline with a
Pump Octane Number
(PON) of 91 or higher is
Is it possible to use
unleaded gasoline with a
Pump Octane Number
(PON) of 87 or higher on
this vehicle?
Unleaded gasoline with a Pump Octane Number (PON) of 91 or
higher is recommended.
Use of lower octane gasoline can cause occasional metallic
knocking noise in the engine and will result in decreased engine
Use of gasoline with a pump octane less than 87 can lead to
engine damage.