Technical Manual

Table Of Contents
TR-8000 Technical manual 5-32
RNG Range
RX RX is the telegraph and radio abbreviation for “receive”
SAR Search And Rescue
S/N Signal-to-Noise ratio (SIN). Quantitative relationship between the useful and non-useful part of
the received satellite signal. A high SIN indicates a good receiving condition.
SOG Speed Over Ground Speed in relation to the seabed.
SOTMA Self Organized Time Division Multiple Access -An access protocol, which allows autonomous
operation on a data link while automatically resolving transmission conflicts.
TCP Transmission Control Protocol Provides a reliable byte-stream transfer service between two
end points on an internet. TCP depends on IP to move packets around the network on its
TCP/IP TCP/IP is a name given to the collection (or suite) of networking protocols that have been used
to construct the global Internet. The protocols are also referred to as the DoD (dee-oh-dee) or
Arpanet protocol suite because their early development was funded by the Advanced Research
Projects Agency (ARPA) of the US Department of Defense (DoD).
TCPA Time to Closest Point of Approach
TI Turn Indicator
TNC Threaded Neill-Concelman connector common type of RF connector used for coaxial cable
TX TX is the telegraph and radio abbreviation for “transmit”
UDP User Datagram Protocol Provides a packetized data transfer service between end points on
an internet. UDP depends on IP to move packets around the network on its behalf.
UTC Universal Time Coordinated Greenwich mean time corrected for polar motion of the Earth and
seasonal variation in the Earth's rotation.
VDL VHF Data Link
VHF Very High Frequency A set of frequencies in the MHz region
VSWR Voltage standing wave ratio