
Ausgabe 13.10.2017 Copyright by Joy-IT 13
This example program will move the servo connected to channel 0.
Of course you can adjust the example program to your needs.
Therefore open the le with the following command:
You will nd the to commands set_servo_pulse(0,start_posion) and set_servo_pulse(0,end_posion) at
the very end of the le.
The 0 denes the assigned channel number.
Just change thenumber or enter new commands.
You can save your changes by pressing CTRL+C and leave the editor by pressing CTRL+X.
5.2 GPIO-Usage
If you don‘t want to use the connecons for servo-motors but for normal GPIO-operaon you can just
change the mode.
Connect the jumper to the le and the centered pin to acvate the GPIO-mode.
The channels can be used with the following numbers:
sudo nano
Channel GPIO
0 GPIO26
1 GPIO06
2 GPIO13
3 GPIO05
4 GPIO12
5 GPIO24