
Ausgabe 13.10.2017 Copyright by Joy-IT 5
2. Installaon and acvang addional libraries
To be able to use all features of the Talking-Pi board you need to install and acvate addional modules
and libraries.
Follow the next steps to acvate all modules and be able to use all of the features.
Please remember to restart your Raspberry Pi aer you installed/acvated the modules.
2.1 Overview
Dierent modules are necessary for dierent features.
If you only need a few features or if you don‘t want to acvate all features, you can of course only
acvate the needed modules.
Note the overview below to see which modules are necessary for the dierent features.
Function Needed module
433 MHz Module 433Uls
Servo Module Servo-Motor-Extension (modied PCA9685 library)
I2C Header I2C