Operation Instruction

: "Curve generation" key.When polyline segment and curve are captured, press the key to
finish the capture of current segment.
: "Capture" key. Press the key to determine the current cursor location or finish the capture
of current segment. If some areas of the generated graphs go beyond the processing range, they can't
be generated.
:"Save file" key.Press the key to save the current capture file. The saved file can be displayed
directly in the preview area of main interface.
Idle Capture
Press ykine "capture graph interface, when the key background turns yellow (idle mode is
activated automatically when the capture interface is activated for the first time), which means the
current segment of capture is in idle mode (idle: Only frame is moved, while the spindle is not sewn)
as shown in the figure below:
In the case of idle capture, two points generate an idle segment.
The absolute origin or the end point of previous capture segment is the first point of idle capture
and displayed as red cursor. Press the key to move cross cursor to desired position, and press
key to generate idle segment.
If it's necessary to insert function code at the end of this segment, please refer to the operation
procedure for function code setup. This operation can be performed at any time before the generation
of graph.