User Manual

5 Address tables
5.5 Program transmission
0x0088 INT R/W Limit comparator 3, switch-off delay
0x0089 FLOAT R/W Limit comparator 4, limit AL
0x008B FLOAT R/W Limit comparator 4, switching differential
0x008D INT R/W Limit comparator 4, switch-on delay
0x008E INT R/W Limit comparator 4, switch-off delay
0x008F FLOAT R/W Ramp function, slope
0x00B9 INT R/W Alarm text (1-2)
0x00BA INT R/W Alarm text (3-4)
Write operations to these parameters result in them being saved to the EEPROM.
These memory chips only have a limited amount of write cycles
(about 10000), this is why this function can be switched off in the case of frequent
programming. The parameter values are then saved to the volatile memory (RAM)
only and are lost after a supply failure.
v Setup/Only Setup/Undocumented parameters/Bit parameters/
Set parameter 2
Address Data type/
bit number
Access Signal designation
0x0091 FLOAT R/W Segment setpoint 1
0x0093 LONG R/W Segment time 1
0x0095 FLOAT R/W Segment setpoint 2
0x0097 LONG R/W Segment time 2
0x0099 FLOAT R/W Segment setpoint 3
0x009B LONG R/W Segment time 3
0x009D FLOAT R/W Segment setpoint 4
0x009F LONG R/W Segment time 4
0x00A1 FLOAT R/W Segment setpoint 5
0x00A3 LONG R/W Segment time 5
0x00A5 FLOAT R/W Segment setpoint 6
0x00A7 LONG R/W Segment time 6
0x00A9 FLOAT R/W Segment setpoint 7
0x00AB LONG R/W Segment time 7
0x00AD FLOAT R/W Segment setpoint 8
0x00AF LONG R/W Segment time 8
0x00B1 INT R/W Control contacts, segment 1
(1=ON; Bit 0=control contact 1; Bit 3=control contact 4)
0x00B2 INT R/W Control contacts, segment 2
0x00B3 INT R/W Control contacts, segment 3
0x00B4 INT R/W Control contacts, segment 4
Address Data type/
bit number
Access Signal designation