Instruction Manual

Confirm the fetus is alive before using the monitor
Current Fetal Monitoring technology cannot always distinguish the fetal heart rate (FHR) signal source from the
maternal heart rate signal (MHR) source under all circumstances. Therefore, you must use other methods to verify that
the fetus is alive before using the Fetal Monitor, such as out-patient fetal movement, or using a fetal stethoscope, a
fetal heart meter, or a wooden earpiece for fetal heart sounds. If you hear no fetal heart sounds or feel no fetal
movements, verify whether the fetus is still alive by means of ultrasonic obstetrical examination. Then confirm that
the fetus is the source of the FHR that you are monitoring.
It is to be understood that:
MHR traces can present features that are very similar to FHR traces, and even include acceleration and
deceleration phenomenon. Do not solely rely on the trend characteristics of the trace to identify the heart rate
source of the fetus.
Only automatic fetal movement (AFM) markers on fetal traces do not consistently ensure that the fetus is still
alive. The dead fetus also moves and causes the monitor to mark the fetal movement.
Here are a few examples of how MHR is mistakenly identified as FHR.
When using ultrasonic sensors:
Can detect the mothers signal source, such as the mothers heart, aorta or other large blood vessels beat.
When MHR is higher than normal values (especially over 100 bpm), false identification can occur.