
R Restricted.
These films contain material that is explicit in
nature and is not recommended for
unsupervised children under the age of 17.
£3 N0-17 No One Under 17.
These movies contain content which most
parents would feel is too adult for their children
to view Content can consist of strong language,
nudi_ violence, and suggestive or explicit
subject matter.
[] X No One under 18.
Inappropriate material for anyone under 18.
Directions to Block Movie Viewing:
To block viewers from any or all of these ratings
categories, press the err to move the cursor
to the correct location. Press the or
buttons to turn the locking feature on or off. An
item is blocked if the _ icon appears instead of
a" ".
For example, to block viewing of X and NC- 17
rated from shows:
To the X Column
To turn on the lock
I X NC-17 R PG-13 R; G NR
Y To the NC- 17 Column
To turn on the lock
X NC-17 R PG-13 PG G NR
Notes About Unrated Programs:
Unrated programming refers to any
programming which does not contain a rating
signal. Programming on television stations
which do not broadcast rating signals will be
placed in the "Unrated Programming" category.
Examples of Unrated programs:
Emergency Bulletins
Locally Originated Programming
Pofitical Programs
Public Service Announcements
Religious Programs
Some Commercials
TVprograms or movies that do not have rating
signals will be blocked if the Unrated Category
is set to LOCK.
Directions to Block Unrated Programs:
You can block programs that are not rated.
Press the MENU button
To operate
Press ZERO to access V-Chip setup
To View or Block
Press EXIT when done _._
Press EXIT when done
In order for V-Chip settings to take effect, V-Chip settings must be turned ON In the V-Chip menu (page 15).
You can automatically unblock all of your restrictions by turning V-Chip settings OFF in the V-Chip menu (page 15).
You can always unblock a restriction by re-entering the V-Chip menu and removing the lock icon.