
Pixel Adjust
For setting the adjustment feature to “On” or “Off”.
Adjust Area
Setting Description
Whole Adjusts the entire image.
Zone Enables fine adjustment of each zone by dividing the screen into 11 vertical x 11
horizontal zones.
Adjust Color
For selecting the color to adjust (“Red” or “Blue”).
Adjust Pattern
Setting Description
On Displays the lens adjustment pattern.
Off Displays external signals, and does not display the lens adjustment pattern.
Adjust Pattern Color
For setting the color of the adjustment pattern displayed during adjustment to “White” or “Yellow / Cyan”.
When “Adjust Area” is set to “Whole”, adjustment can be made by moving in units of one pixel on the screen of the color
selected in “Adjust Color”.
Æ “Operation procedure for Whole Adjust (Pixel)” (P.
* Adjustment cannot be made when “Adjust Area” is set to “Zone”.
Setting Description
H (Horizontal) Setting range: -2 (moves red/blue to the left) to +2 (moves red/blue to the right)
V (Vertical) Setting range: -2 (moves red/blue downward) to +2 (moves red/blue upward)
When “Adjust Area” is set to “Whole”, adjustment can be made by moving in units of 1/16 pixel on the screen of the
color selected in “Adjust Color”.
Æ “Operation procedure for Whole Adjust (Fine)” (P. 35
“Adjust Area” is set to “Zone”, the screen is divided into 11 vertical x 11 horizontal zones, and fine adjustment of
each zone is possible.
Æ “Operation procedure for Zone Adjust” (P. 36)
Setting Description
H (Horizontal) Setting range: -31 (moves red/blue to the left) to +31 (moves red/blue to the right)
V (Vertical) Setting range: -31 (moves red/blue downward) to +31 (moves red/blue upward)
Restores all pixel adjustment data to the factory default.