
Projected image is dark
Check Action Refer to
Is the laser light source near exhaustion? Check the laser light source time in the “Information” menu.
20,000 hours have elapsed, the brightness will be half the
brightness at shipment.
P. 48
Is the aperture closed? Increase the value of the “Aperture” setting. P. 28
Is the value of the “LD Current” setting
Increase the value of the “LD Current” setting. P. 28
Striped patterns appear on the screen
Check Action Refer to
Does the fabric of the screen have a
regular pattern?
Interference fringes may sometimes occur between the
fabric pattern and the pixels. Please consult the authorized
Video images are missing
Check Action Refer to
Has screen mask been configured? Set “Mask” to “Off”. P. 40
Zoom or focus does not work
Check Action Refer to
Is the lens replaced? Depending on the lens position, the lens may not work
when it has been replaced.
While at the Focus / Zoom adjustment screen, press and
hold the J or K key for 2 seconds or longer. Doing so will
allow the lens to recover from this condition.
P. 35
Remote control does not work
Check Action Refer to
Are the batteries correctly loaded? Match the polarities (t s) correctly when loading the
P. 16
Are the batteries exhausted? Replace with new batteries. P. 16
Is there an obstructing object between
the remote control and remote sensor?
Remove any obstructing object. P. 16
Is the remote control held too far away
from the unit?
Hold the remote control closer to the sensor during use. P. 16
Noise is heard
Check Action Refer to
Is the exhaust vent blocked?
Is the unit used near a heater or air-
Check the installation condition of the projector.
the surrounding temperature of the projector is high,
the fan revolution speed increases to protect the projector
unit, hence a louder operating sound.
P. 18
There are small black or colored dots on the screen
The D-ILA device is manufactured using high-precision technologies, but there may be some (less than 0.01%) missing
pixels or pixels that remain permanently lit. This is not a malfunction.