Operation Manual

As the counter indication and remaining tape indication
are not displayed FDP during the EVR adjustment
mode, check them on the TV monitor screen.
When performing the EVR adjustment, confirm that the
FDP indication is changed to the EVR mode.
4.2 Mechanism compatibility adjustment (VHS SECTION)
Although compatibility adjustment is very important, it
is not necessary to perform this as part of the normal
servicing work. It will be required when you have re-
placed the A/C head, drum assembly or any part of the
tape transport system.
To prevent damaging the alignment tape in the compat-
ibility adjustment, prepare a cassette tape (for self-re-
cording/playback), perform a test on it by transporting it
and making sure that the tape is not bent by the tape
transport mechanisms such as in the guide rollers.(See
4.2.1 Tension pole position
This adjustment must be performed every time the ten-
sion band is replaced.
(1) Play back the back tension cassette gauge (A).
(2) Check that the indicated value on the left side gauge is
within the specified value (G).
(3) If the indicated value is not within the specified value (G),
perform the adjustment in a following procedure.(See
a) Remove the top frame, cassette holder and side
frames (L/R) all together. (Refer to the SERVICE
b) Rotate the loading motor gear to move the control
plate so that the triangular stamping to the left of the
“P”stamping is aligned with the stamping (a) on the
main deck. This positioning is mode (B1).
c) Adjust by turning the adjustment pin so that the tip of
the tension arm is aligned with the stamping (b) on
the main deck.
d) Rotate the reel disk (S) by about one turn clockwise
and make sure that the round hole of the adjustment
pin is located in the “OK” range. If it is outside this
range, restart the adjustment from the beginning.
After completion of the adjustment, rotate the loading gear
motor to return it to the mode (B2) position.
4.2.2 FM waveform linearity
(1) Play back the alignment tape (A1).
(2) Apply the external trigger signal to D.FF (E), to observe
the V.PB FM waveform at the measuring point (D).
(3) Set the VCR to the manual tracking mode.
(4) Make sure that there is no significant level drop of the V.PB
FM waveform caused by the tracking operation, with its
generally parallel and linear variation ensured. Perform the
following adjustments when required. (See Fig. 4-2c.)
(5) Reduce the V.PB FM waveform by the tracking operation.
If a drop in level is found on the left side, turn the guide roll-
er of the pole base assembly (supply side) with the roller
driver to make the V.PB FM waveform linear.
If a drop in level is on the right side, likewise turn the guide
roller of the pole base assembly (take-up side) with the
roller driver to make it linear. (See Fig. 4-2c.)
(6) Make sure that the V.PB FM waveform varies in parallel
and linearly with the tracking operation again. When re-
quired, perform fine-adjustment of the guide roller of the
pole base assembly (supply or take-up side).
(7) Unload the cassette tape once, play back the alignment
tape (A1) again and confirm the V.PB FM waveform.
(8) After adjustment, confirm that the tape wrinkling does not
occur at the roller upper or lower limits. (See Fig. 4-2b.)
[Perform adjustment step (9) only for the models equipped
with SP mode and EP (or LP) mode.]
[Perform adjustment step (9) only for the models
equipped with SP mode and EP (or LP) mode.]
(9) Repeat steps (1) to (8) by using the alignment tape (A2).
Code 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
Signal (A) Back tension cassette gauge [PUJ48076-2]
Mode (B1)
Eject end
Adjustment part (F) Adjust pin [Mechansim assembly]
Specified value (G)
25 - 51 gf•cm (2.45 - 5 x 10
Signal (A1)
Alignment tape(SP, stairstep, NTSC) [MHP]
Alignment tape(EP,stairstep,NTSC) [MHP-L]
Mode (B) PB
Equipment (C) Oscilloscope
Measuring point (D) TP106 (PB. FM)
External trigger (E) TP111 (D.FF)
Adjustment part (F) Guide roller [Mechanism assembly]
Specified value (G) Flat V.PB FM waveform
Adjustment tool (H) Roller driver [PTU94002]