
Basic Settings
Crossover frequency
Small speakers cannot reproduce the bass sounds efficiently. If you
use a small speaker in any position, this receiver automatically
reallocates the bass sound elements assigned from small speakers to
large speakers.
To use this function properly, set this crossover frequency level
according to the size of the small speaker connected.
If you have selected "LARGE" for all speakers, this function will
not take effect.
Crossover frequency is not valid for DVD MULTI playback mode
and HEADPHONE mode.
1 Press SETTING repeatedly until "CROSS .......
(Crossover)" (with the current setting)*
appears on the display.
* '*100HZ"is the initialsetting. If you have already changed the
setting, another frequency will be shown.
2 Press CONTROL UP A_OWN to .......
_wN up
select the crossover frequency level you
like to use. "_'>
Each time you press the button, the crossover
frequency level changes as follows:
80HZ _ 100HZ "J'_120HZ"_
÷ 200HZ _ 150HZ *--
Low frequency effect attenuator
If the bass sound is distorted while playing back soflware using
Dolby Digital or DTS Digital Surround, follow the procedure
Low frequency effect attenuator is not valid for the DVD MULTI
playback mode.
This function takes effect only when the subwoofer (LFE) signals
co ne in, (with ' SUBWOOFER set to' YES ).
1 Press SETTING repeatedly until "LFE ......
ATT (Low Frequency Effect Attenuator)" _._
(with the current setting)* appears on the
* "0dB" is the initialsetting. If you have ah-eady changed the
setting, '* 10dB" will be shown.
2 Press CONTROL UP A_OWN to .......
_wN up
select the low frequency effect
attenuator level. _>
Each time you press the button, the setting
altemates between 0dB and' 10dB.
-10rib : Select this when the bass sound is distorted.
Dynamic range compression
You cancompress the dynamic range (difference between ma×imum
sound and minimum sound) of the reproduced sound. This is useful
when ei!ioying surround sound a/night.
This function takes effect only when playing back a source
encoded with Dolby Digital.
1 Press SETTING repeatedly until ......
(Dynamic range _'>
compression)" (with the current setting)*
appears on the display.
* "MID" is the initial setting. If you have ah-eady changed the
setting, another setting will be shown.
2 Press CONTROL UP A/DOWN _5'#'°%
to select the appropriate compression
level. _>
Each time you press the button, the display changes
as follows:
MID : Select this when you want to reduce the dynamic range
a little.