Table Of Contents
Menu Screen Hierarchical
[Main Menu...] ..................................... (
A P 100)
- [
Overlay Settings...] n .................
(A P 101)
- [Layout] ...................................... (
A P 101)
- [Import User Layout] ................... (A P 101)
- [Delete User Layout] ................... (A P 101)
- [Type] ......................................... (A P 101)
- [Output...] ................................... (A P 101)
- [Watermark] ................................ (A P 101)
- [Full Screen Graphic...] ............... (A P 101)
- [Password Lock] ......................... (A P 102)
- [Camera Function...] ....................... (A P 102)
- [Bars] .......................................... (A P 102)
- [OIS
] ........................................... (A P 102)
- [Flicker Correction] ..................... (A P 102)
- [Shutter] ...................................... (A P 103)
- [AE Speed] ................................. (A P 103)
- [AGC Limit] ................................. (A P 103)
- [Auto Iris Limit (OPEN)] .............. (A P 103)
- [Auto Iris Limit (CLOSE)] ............ (A P 103)
- [EEI Limit] ................................... (A P 103)
- [Smooth Trans] ........................... (A P 103)
- [FAW] ......................................... (A P 103)
- [GAIN L] ...................................... (A P 104)
- [GAIN M] ..................................... (A P 104)
- [GAIN H] ..................................... (A P 104)
- [Dynamic Zoom] ......................... (A P 104)
- [Handle Zoom Speed L] ............. (A P 104)
- [Handle Zoom Speed M] ............ (A P 104)
- [Handle Zoom Speed H] ............. (A P 104)
- [Zoom Ring] ................................ (A P 104)
- [Iris Dial] ..................................... (A P 104)
- [Macro Mode] n ..................... (A P 104)
- [AF Speed] ................................. (A P 104)
- [AF Assist] .................................. (A P 105)
- [User Switch Set...] ..................... (A P 105)
- [Camera Process...] ........................ (A P 107)
- [Detail] ........................................
(A P 107)
- [Adjust...] ............................. (A P 107)
- [Master Black] ............................ (
A P 107)
- [Black Toe] ................................. (A P 107)
- [Knee] ......................................... (A P 108)
- [White Clip] ................................. (A P 108)
- [Gamma] .................................... (A P 108)
- [Highlight Display Priority] n ... (A P 109)
- [WDR] ......................................... (A P 109)
- [White Balance...] ....................... (A P 109)
- [Color Matrix] .............................. (A P 109)
- [Color Gain] ................................ (A P 109)
- [Reset Process] .......................... (A P 109)
- [
TC/UB...] ........................................ (A P 111)
[TC Generator] ........................... (A
P 111)
- [TC Preset] ................................. (A P 111)
- [UB Mode] .................................. (A P 111)
- [Drop Frame] .............................. (A P 111)
- [LCD/VF...] ...................................... (A P 112)
- [Shooting Assist...] ...................... (
A P 112)
- [Marker Settings...] ..................... (A P 112)
- [Display Settings...] ..................... (A P 112)
- [VF SW] ...................................... (A P 112)
- [VF Color] ................................... (A P 112)
- [VF Bright] .................................. (A P 112)
- [VF Contrast] .............................. (A P 112)
- [LCD Bright] ................................ (A P 112)
- [LCD Contrast] ............................ (A P 112)
- [LCD Backlight] .......................... (A P 112)
- [LCD Mirror] ................................ (A P 112)
- [LCD/VF Peaking] ....................... (A P 112)
- [A/V Set...] ....................................... (A P 116)
- [Video Set...] ...............................
(A P 116)
- [Audio Set...] ............................... (A P 118)
- [
System...] ....................................... (A P 121)
[Record Set...] ............................ (
A P 121)
- [Media] ....................................... (A P 121)
- [Setup File] ................................. (A P 121)
- [Tally Lamp] ................................ (A P 122)
- [Language] ................................. (A P 122)
- [Network] n ............................ (A P 122)
- [Settings...
] .......................... (
A P 122)
- [Reset All] ................................... (A
P 122)
- [Date/Time] ................................. (A P 122)
- [Time Zone] ................................ (A P 123)
- [System Information] ................... (A P 123)
Memo :
Some menus cannot be set depending on the operating mode or status of the camera recorder. These
items are displayed in gray, and they cannot be selected.
Setting value with the R mark is the factory default.
Menu Screen Hierarchical Chart
Menu Display and Detailed Settings