User Guide

Before Using Underwater or under Low Temperature
“Cautions on Using Underwater” (A p. 7)
“Maintenance after Use” (A p. 7)
“Cautions on Using under Low Temperature” (A p. 7)
“Cautions on Using under Low Temperature” (A p. 7)
Cautions on Using Underwater
Please take note of the followings when using this unit near water or
Ensure that the cover is closed tightly.
“Opening the Terminal Cover (SD Card Cover)” (A p. 5)
Ensure that the terminal cover and the gray waterproof seal are not
damaged and that there are no foreign materials (such as hair, lint, sand
or dust) adhered on the cover.
Stop using the unit underwater if there are damages to the cover, etc.
and consult your JVC dealer or the nearest service center.
Use within a water depth of 5 m and a duration of 30 minutes.
Do not open/close the cover or insert/remove an SD card or any cables
while using underwater or on the beach, or if your hands contain water
droplets or sands. Doing so may cause water to enter into the camera or
Do not subject the camera to high pressure or vibration resulted from swift
current, waterfall or diving into water.
The waterproof performance is not guaranteed if the camera is dropped
or subjected to other impact shock. If the camera has been subjected to
impact shock, consult your nearest service center.
While shooting underwater, noise generated inside of the camera
(zooming sounds, etc) may be picked up. This is not a malfunction.
Do not immerse into hot spring, or hot water above 40°C. Doing so
deteriorates waterproof performance.
Keep away from hands with sun oil or sun screen. Doing so may cause
discoloration or deterioration of material.
The accessories are not waterproof.
Maintenance after Use
After using underwater or in dusty places, rinse the camera with water
immediately and dry it completely.
Ensure that the terminal cover is closed.
Rinse with clean water.
Soak the camera in a container filled with enough water to immerse the
camera completely, and rinse it gently.
After using the camera under the sea or on the beach, immerse the
camera in fresh water for about 10 minutes to remove salt particles,
replace the water and rinse the camera.
Open and close the LCD screen, and operate the buttons or zoom
operations to get rid of sands or dusts in the gap.
Do not rinse the camera under running tap water or strong pressure
Dry the camera.
Wipe the camera completely with a soft dry cloth and allow it to dry in a
well-ventilated and shady location.
Place the camera with the lens facing downward while the LCD
monitor is closed, and leave it for approximately 10 minutes. (By doing
so, microphone and LDC part are dried out easily.) Place the camera
in a up right position on a dry cloth afterward Close the terminal cover
after the camera is dried out completely.
Wipe off any foreign materials or water droplets inside the cover.
* If you leave the camera immersed in salt water or allow water droplets from
the salt water to remain on the camera, this may cause corrosion,
discoloration or deterioration of waterproof performance.
* If you wipe or dry the camera with sand particles adhered, this may cause
scratches on the camera.
* Do not wash with chemicals, soap, neutral detergents, or alcohol.
* Do not dry the camera with a hair dryer or other heat sources. This could
impair its waterproof performance.
Cautions on Using under Low Temperature
The performance of the battery will drop temporarily when the temperature
is -10°C to 0°C, this will cause the remaining recording time to shorten.
Charging cannot be performed when the surrounding temperature is
below 10 °C.
Turning on the camera while it is still cold will deteriorate the performance
of the LCD monitor. Problems such as the screen becoming dark
momentarily or residual image can occur.
If snow or water droplets adhere to the camera under sub-zero
temperature environment, ice can formed between the gaps around the
buttons, speaker or microphone. This will cause difficulty in operating the
buttons as well as decrease in the volume level.
Direct contact with exposed metal part under cold temperature can cause
the skin to stick on the metal part resulting in injuries such as frostbite. Do
not touch with bare hands.
Other Precautions
Do not leave the camera under low temperature in cold climates or under
high temperature above 40 °C (such as under direct sunlight, inside a
vehicle in the hot sun, or near a heater). This will cause deterioration of
the waterproof performance.
Malfunction due to mishandling will void the warranty.
We are not responsible for any loss of data due to water entering into inside
of the camera. Please be forewarned.
It is recommended to replace the waterproof packing once a year to
maintain the waterproof performance. Consult your nearest service
center. (Subject to a fee)
Getting Started