Owner's Manual

Data Size: B6L (182 mm x 128 mm)
Book Size: B6L (182 mm x 128 mm)
Display Settings
*1 The illumination control wire connection is required. (Page 45)
*2 Some characters or symbols will not be shown correctly (or will be blank).
*3 Functionality depends on the type of phone used.
[PRESET] Selects illumination colors for the buttons on different zones separately.
Select a zone ([ZONE1], [ZONE2], [ALLZONE]). (See the illustration on
page 35.)
Select a color for the selected zone.
[COLOR01] to [COLOR49]
[USER]: The color you have created for [DAYCOLOR] or
[NIGHTCOLOR] is shown.
[COLORFLOW01] to [COLORFLOW03]: Color changes at different
[SUNSET]: The selected color pattern is shown.* (Selectable only when
[ALLZONE] is selected in step 1.)
[DAYCOLOR] Stores your own day and night illumination colors for different zones.
Select a zone ([ZONE1], [ZONE2]). (See the illustration on page 35.)
[RED]/[GREEN]/[BLUE]: Select a primary color.
[00] to [31]: Select the level.
Repeat step 2 and step 3 for all the primary colors.
Your setting is stored to [USER] in [PRESET].
[NIGHTCOLOR] or [DAYCOLOR] is changed by turning on or off your
car’s headlights.
[ON]: The illumination color of [ZONE1] and [ZONE2] change to white
color when settings are performed on menu and list search, except in color
setting mode. ; [OFF]: Cancels.
* If one of these color patterns is selected, the [ZONE1] and [ZONE2] illumination colors will
change to the default colors.
1 Press and hold .
2 Turn the volume knob to select an item (see the following table), then
press the knob.
3 Repeat step 2 until the desired item is selected/activated or follow the
instructions stated on the selected item.
4 Press to exit.
To return to the previous setting item, press
Default: [XX]
Dims the illumination.
[OFF]: Dimmer is turned off. Brightness changes to [DAY] setting.
[ON]: Dimmer is turned on. Brightness changes to [NIGHT] setting.
(See the following “[BRIGHTNESS]” settings.)
[DIMMER TIME]: Set the time to turn on dimmer and to turn off dimmer.
Turn the volume knob to adjust the [ON] time, then press the knob.
Turn the volume knob to adjust the [OFF] time, then press the knob.
(Default: [ON]: [PM6:00] ; [OFF]: [AM6:00])
[DIMMER AUTO]: Dimmer turns on and off automatically when you turn off
or on the car headlights.*1
[BRIGHTNESS] Sets the brightness for day and night separately.
[DAY]/[NIGHT]: Select day or night.
Select a zone. (See the illustration on page 35)
[LEVEL00] to [LEVEL31]: Set the brightness level.
[SCROLL ONCE]: Scrolls the display information once. ;
[SCROLL AUTO]: Repeats scrolling at 5-second intervals. ;
[SCROLL OFF]: Cancels.
Information below is shown on the supplementary display when Bluetooth
device is connected. (Page 38)
[BATT/SIGNAL]: Shows the strength of the battery and signal. ;
[DATE]: Shows the date.
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