Instruction Manual (America)

Data Size: B6L (182 mm x 128 mm)
Book Size: B6L (182 mm x 128 mm)
Default: [XX]
[SSM01–06]/[SSM07–12]/[SSM13–18]: Automatically presets up to
18 stations for FM. “SSM” stops flashing when the first 6 stations are stored.
Select [SSM07–12]/[SSM13–18] to store the following 12 stations.
[AUTO]: Increases the tuner selectivity to reduce interference noises from
adjacent FM stations. (Stereo effect may be lost.) ;
[WIDE]: Subjects to interference noises from adjacent FM stations, but
sound quality will not be degraded and the stereo effect will remain.
[ON]: Improves the FM reception, but the stereo effect will be lost. ;
[OFF]: Cancels.
[N.AMERICA]: For North/Central/South America, AM/FM intervals:
10 kHz/200 kHz. ;
[S.AMERICA]: For some South American countries, AM/FM intervals:
10 kHz/50 kHz. ;
[EUROPE]: For any other areas, AM/FM intervals: 9 kHz/50 kHz.
[PTY SEARCH] Select a PTY code for FM Radio Broadcast Data Sytem (see the following
“PTY code for FM Radio Broadcast Data System”).
If there is a station broadcasting a program of the same PTY code as you
have selected, that station is tuned in.
PTY code for FM Radio Broadcast Data System
[NEWS], [INFORM] (information), [SPORTS], [TALK], [ROCK], [CLSROCK] (classic rock),
[ADLTHIT] (adult hits), [SOFTRCK] (softrock), [TOP40], [COUNTRY], [OLDIES], [SOFT],
[NOSTALGA] (nostalgia), [JAZZ], [CLASSICL] (classical), [R&B] (rhythm and blues), [SOFTR&B]
(soft rhythm and blues), [LANGUAGE], [RELMUSC] (religious music), [RELTALK] (religious
talk), [PERSNLTY] (personality), [PUBLIC], [COLLEGE], [HABLESP] (Spanish talk), [MUSCESP]
(Spanish music), [HIPHOP], [WEATHER]
Insert a disc
(for KW-R950BTS)
Eject disc
Label side
The source changes to CD automatically and playback starts.
Connect a USB device
USB device
USB input terminal
USB 2.0 cable*
(commercially available)
You can also connect to the USB cable from the rear of the unit (USB input terminal).
The source changes to USB FRONT/USB REAR/USB automatically and
playback starts.
* Do not leave the cable inside the car when not in use.
KW_R950BTS_K_B5A-3883-00_EN_1st Draft.indd 8KW_R950BTS_K_B5A-3883-00_EN_1st Draft.indd 8 9/7/2021 11:39:34 PM9/7/2021 11:39:34 PM