Instruction Manual (America)

Data Size: B6L (182 mm x 128 mm)
Book Size: B6L (182 mm x 128 mm)
The following operations may differ or be unavailable depending on the
connected phone.
To On the faceplate On the remote control
First incoming call...
Answer a call
or the
volume knob.
Press J / K / H / I.
Reject a call
Press and hold
or the volume knob.
Press and hold
J / K / H / I.
End a call
Press and hold
or the volume knob.
Press and hold
J / K / H / I.
While talking on the first incoming call...
Answer another
incoming call and hold
the current call
or the
volume knob.
( Not available )
Reject another
incoming call
Press and hold
or the volume knob.
( Not available )
While having two active calls...
End current call and
activate held call
Press and hold
or the volume knob.
Press and hold
J / K / H / I.
Swap between the
current call and held call
( Not available )
Adjust the phone
Turn the volume knob
during a call.
Press VOL +*2 or
VOL – during a call.
Switch between hands-
free and private talk
a call. ( Not available )
*1 This adjustment will not affect the volume of the other sources.
*2 Press and hold VOL + to continuously increase the volume to 15.
*3 Operations may vary according to the connected Bluetooth device.
Improve the voice quality
While talking on the phone...
1 Press and hold MENU.
2 Turn the volume knob to select an item (see the following table), then
press the knob.
3 Repeat step 2 until the desired item is selected or activated.
4 Press MENU to exit.
To return to the previous setting item, press
Default: [XX]
[MIC GAIN] [LEVEL –10] to [LEVEL +10] ([LEVEL –04]): The sensitivity of the
microphone increases as the number increases.
[LEVEL –05] to [LEVEL +05] ([LEVEL 00]): Adjust the noise reduction level
until the least noise is being heard during a phone conversation.
[LEVEL –05] to [LEVEL +05] ([LEVEL 00]): Adjust the echo cancellation
delay time until the least echo is being heard during a phone conversation.
Call quality may depend on mobile phone.
Make the settings for receiving a call
Press to enter Bluetooth mode.
2 Turn the volume knob to select an item (page20), then press the
3 Repeat step 2 until the desired item is selected or activated.
To return to the previous setting item, press
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