User Guide

Note on consumable parts
The following parts are consumable and should be replaced
after a certain number of hours or a count of operations.
The service lives given below are only typical values. They
may vary depending on the operating environment and con-
Note that the replacement of consumable parts is charge-
able even when they are replaced before the termination
of the warranty period.
Zoom lens assembly
Zooming operation : 2 million times
Focusing operation : 4 million times
Slip rings : 5 million operations
Cooling fan : Approx. 30,000 hours
Alarm output 1 relay : 200,000 times of operation
Note on auto focusing
Although this unit incorporates a one-push auto-focusing
system and EASY AF functions, auto-focusing may some-
times be impossible depending on the object and camera
setup. In this case, adjust the focusing manually.
Objects and images with which auto focusing may be
When the image brightness is extremely high.
When the image brightness is extremely low.
When the image brightness varies continuously (for ex-
ample when the object is a flashing light).
When the image contrast (difference between bright and
dark) is very poor.
•When the image does not contain a vertical contour com-
When vertical stripe patterns recur on the screen.
Camera setups with which auto focusing may be diffi-
When the AGC is activated and the image is coarse.
When SENSE UP is activated and the image contains
only little motion.
When electronic zooming is activated and the image does
not contain a large enough contour component. (In the
case of TK-C676 only)
When zooming is stopped near the TELE end during manual
operation or by selecting a preset position, focusing may
deviate slightly. In addition, the manual zooming operation
may not always be smooth.
These phenomena are due to the characteristics of the built-
in lens and are not malfunctions.
Preset positions
The zooming position of the camera can be set to a total
of 100 preset positions, including the home position.
The electronic zoom can be preset up to x2.
However, if the electronic zoom menu on the screen is
set to OFF even presetting the electronic zooming to x2 ,
the camera itself moves to the preset position without the
electronic zooming being activated. (TK-C676 only)
It is not permitted to preset the electronic zoom to a larger
ratio than x2. The message "INVALID POSITION
(D.ZOOM)" will appear on the screen if a larger ratio than
x2 is set. (TK-C676 only)
The TILT position can be set and operated only between
0° to 90° even when the item “FLIP” is set to DIGITAL.
(A TILT position between 91° and 180° cannot be set or
operated. The message "INVALID POSITION (TILT) will
appear on the screen if a larger TILT position than 90° is
set. )
TK-C676-C655 in_LWT0200-001A-H 04.6.22, 9:28 AM7