User's Manual

Internet Explorer Setting
Protocol Page (continued)
* The [Set values] in bold letters are factory defaults.
Settings (continued)
B Protocol Settings (continued)
HTTP Server Port You can change the port number for the built-in HTTP server of
the camera.
[Set values: 1 to 80 to 65535]
To access the camera from Internet Explorer, enter the
following in the Internet Explorer address bar when the camera
is set to its default settings.
If the port number has been changed to 8080, enter it after the
IP address as follows.
Enter [:] and the port number
If you change the HTTP server port, the port for the video
stream deliver request also changes.
HTTPS Server Port You can change the port number for the built-in HTTPS server of
the camera.
[Set values: 1 to 443 to 65535]
To access the camera from Internet Explorer, enter the
following in the Internet Explorer address bar when the camera
is set to its default settings.
If the port number has been changed to 8080, enter it after the
IP address as follows.
Enter [:] and the port number
If you change the HTTPS server port, the port for the video
stream deliver request also changes.
[Set values: ON, OFF]
AMX Device Discovery
You can change the AMX device discovery protocol. Set this to
"ON" when using the camera with an AMX system.
[Set values: ON, OFF]