
Advanced operations
Available :
You can play tracks on a disc in random order by using
the random function.
Repeat playback
You can repeat playback of the current group or track (for
DVD AUDIO), current title or chapter (for DVD VIDEO) or
current or all tracks (for SVCDNideo CD/Audio CD).
You can also repeat playback of a desired part.
While stopped
1 PressONSCREENtwice.
The menu bar appears on the TV screen.
(See page 42 for details about the menu bar.)
2 Use to move to
(Screen example for Audio CD)
3 Press ENTER.
The unit starts random playback.
With a DVD AUDIOISVCDNideo CD disc, the menu
bar is automatically dismissed.
During random playback, the RANDOM indicator
lights in the display window on the front panel.
After playing all tracks of the disc, the unit stops the
disc and quits the random mode.
..... The same track will not be played back more than once
during random playback.
During random playback, if you bring up the menu bar and
carry out steps 1to 3 above, the unit cancels the random
playback mode and continues playback from the current
selection in the recorded order.
In the random playback mode with the DVD AUDIO, tracks
in the bonus group are not played back (see page 30).
To stop and quit random playback
Press m. The unit stops playback and quits the
random playback mode.
To dismiss the menu bar:
Available :
During playback or while stopped
For SVCDIVideo CDIAudio CD:
In any condition except SVCDI
Video CD playback with PBC
1 Press REPEAT.
Each time you press REPEAT, the repeat mode
switches among All repeat, Repeat 1 and off.
You can see the selected mode by icons in the
display window on the front panel as below.
If you press REPEAT while stopped, you need to
press I_ to start repeat playback.
_: Repeats the current group for DVD AUDIO,
the current title for DVD VIDEO, or all
tracks for SVCDNideo CD/Audio CD.
_ : Repeats the current track for DVD
AUDIO/SVCDNideo CD/Audio CD or the
current chapter for DVD VIDEO.
No indication:
The repeat mode is off.
(Display window)
Repeat mode indicators
On the TV screen, a window for repeat mode
indication appears. You can check the current
repeat mode from the window.
The mode indication on the window is the same as
the one on the menu bar (see pages 43, 44 and 45).
(Screen example for repeat mode indication window.)