User Manual

Page 9
Application, PCMCIA & USB Drivers:
By selecting this installation option, you will install the
Applications (Configuration & Monitor Utility and Firmware
Upgrade Utility) and the latest PCMCIA & USB driver. If the
PCMCIA & USB drivers have been previously installed and
they have not been uninstalled prior to the new installation
the new drivers will overwrite the old ones without prompting
Application Only:
By selecting this installation option, you will only install the
Applications (Configuration & Monitor Utility and Firmware
Upgrade Utility).
4. After you have assigned the Destination Location option
where the application will be installed (by Default this option
is set to C:\Program Files\Kailink\802.11 Wireless LAN), you
can then choose the mode of operation:
3a. Ad-Hoc (Figure 3-2, Figure 3-3)
3b. Infrastructure (Figure 3-4, Figure 3-5).