User's Manual

USER MANUAL: T500 Tag Programming Station (TPS) Document A316000-699
©1999-2008 MARK IV INDUSTRIES CORP. I.V.H.S. DIVISION pg. 11 of 69
2.2 Using the Table of Contents as a guide…
The pertinent sections of the table of contents are arranged below in “logical order”. This means that if you
are installing the program at a new site then you will start with the steps outlined in item 1. Then item 2 steps
are arranged in the order that they are usually taken immediately after a new installation has been completed.
After the new users’ “change password” action has been performed the steps 2a through 2g may be taken
independently from each other (i.e. each step outlines how to perform a specific “free standing” action). Item 3
outlines all of the remaining actions that may be taken only
by a Supervisor.
1. Installer Activities
a) install the TPS program
b) launch the TPS program
c) add Supervisors and Users
d) log out
2. Supervisor and User Activities
a) log in
b) create password
c) change password
d) read a tag
e) program a tag
f) template load
g) log out
3. “Supervisor only” Activities
a) add Supervisors and Users
b) template create and save
c) TPS configuration setup functions (e.g. automatic read or write the tags)
d) other supervisor functions