User's Manual

USER MANUAL: T500 Tag Programming Station (TPS) Document A316000-699
©1999-2008 MARK IV INDUSTRIES CORP. I.V.H.S. DIVISION pg. 42 of 69
5.1.2 Design Scratch Pad (Custom) data field
The Supervisor will design and save a data file describing a new value for the scratchpad Agency data field.
The IAG tag format data field has 30 bits and starts at bit #194 (referenced to the tag header MSB = bit #0).
The Type 2 LCD tag format data field has 4 bits and starts at bit #72 (referenced to the tag header MSB = bit
#0). The new data file may be included in a new template used to program a tag provided that tag supports the
specific data field parameters.
Click on the main menu item Supervisor then click on Design Scratchpad Custom.
Step one, set up a Scratchpad custom field
The Custom Fields dialog box is displayed.
Click on the Add button. The Add Field dialog box is displayed. Example for IAG tag format field…
When the desired values are typed, click the OK button. The Custom Fields dialog box is shown again with
the new custom field listed.
The example list shows that there are
no other custom fields files currently
saved. After you design and name a
new Custom Fields and then save it,
the list will display it.
This is a two-step process. The Supervisor will first
design a new field then secondly, set a value or values
for that same new field. The field may have several sets of
values each with a unique name. Only one set of
Scratchpad Custom values may be used at any one time
for programming a tag or a batch of "like tags".
IMPORTANT…There is a maximum of 10 Scratchpad
Custom data field names that may be created.
At this point the first step in the design process is
completed. The second step is to assign at least
one value to the field. The field may eventually
have several assigned values (the total number of
values depends on the field bit width).
Type the desired field name
(maximum 25 characters), the start
bit position (from the tag header
MSB) and the bit width (how many
bits wide the field will be).
For IAG For type 2 LCD
Start = 194 Start = 72
Width = 30 Width = 4
The maximum
number of fields
allowed here is 10
Using the tag type detected, the program automatically
assigns the valid start bit and the available bit width.