User's Manual

USER MANUAL: T500 Tag Programming Station (TPS) Document A316000-699
©1999-2008 MARK IV INDUSTRIES CORP. I.V.H.S. DIVISION pg. 52 of 69
6.0 Supervisors Notes
This section relates to a supervisor using the TPS to perform the "normal" daily tasks.
6.1 Changing (programming) one or more specific data fields in a tag
Sometimes all that is required is to read a tag and make a change to a specific data field such as Vehicle
Type or Revenue Type and also not
change any other data currently in the tag. This situation may apply
to a tag or batch of tags that are being re-assigned to another vehicle after having been previously used by the
same client for a different commercial vehicle fleet. This situation may also apply to batch programming
functions, for example, commissioning or decommissioning of tags. This situation may also apply to batch
programming functions where the same scratchpad data is to be programmed into tags belonging to several
vehicle types.
Read the tag (or one of the tags from a batch of tags).
Click on the down arrow for the field(s) to be changed and select new data. Alternatively, if the data to be
changed is in another folder tab, select that folder tab and change the data.
Save the template and give it a filename that will identify it from all the other saved template files.
The supervisor may then program the tag(s) immediately (see Program a tag) or logout and allow a user to
load this filename to program the pre-selected changes into the tag(s).
6.2 Using HELP files…
A "template" consists of all
the data
fields on all
the folder tabs shown.
Only the data fields that have been
changed are used in the programming
function. All other data fields that indicate
"not changed" are passed over.
In other words…
"Not Changed" = "not to be changed"
Comprehensive HELP files are available on-line. Just
click on the main menu " Help " item or hit the "F1" key
when the main menu is displayed. Search by function in
"content" or "index".