Operations and Maintenance Manual

Multi-Protocol Reader Ver. 2: Appendix
Confidential UM 360463-202: A12 (Draft) Page 282 of 291
© Kapsch TrafficCom Canada Inc. 2013
These drawings and specifications contain confidential and proprietary information and are the property of Kapsch TrafficCom Canada Inc. and are issued in strict
confidence and will be kept confidential and used solely for the purpose intended and for no other purpose and shall not be transmitted, reproduced, copied, and/or
used as the basis for manufacture or sale of apparatus unless otherwise agreed to in writing by Kapsch TrafficCom Canada Inc.
Kapsch TrafficCom
Name Term or Component
Alias or explanation
Baud Rate
Physical transmission speed: bits, or changes in state, per
Capture Zone
An area wherein an OBU is detected by the MRFM-S.
Capture Zone Span Time
The amount of time it takes an OBU to pass through a capture
One RF channel or one lane of traffic
Dynamic Voting
Channel tab Voting algorithm. If the dynamic voting algorithm
is set to anything other than "Disabled", the Reader generates
a transaction report at some period in time (called the "Voting
timeout") after the initial read of an OBU. The voting timeout is
configured on the web interface Configuration page -
Channel tab. The voting timeout is either;
1. Set manually by the operator, or
2. dynamically set according to prevailing traffic speeds on a
channel-by-channel basis.
Earth ground system
The earth ground system must comply with the U.S. National
Electrical Code (NEC) requirements for a grounding electrode.
Express Lane - Wide
No barriers between lanes, straddle antennas required. Same
as ORT
The cable that carries the RF signal to or from the antenna.
Also called transmission line.
one scan of an RF Channel. There can be a maximum of eight
frames for one Reader
Format Incompatible report
A report sent to the Lane controller, generated when a non-
IAG tag is seen by the Reader.
Host Computer
Not supplied by Kapsch TrafficCom. Computer used to
monitor/control the LC within the Toll Plaza. The Reader is
accessible to a Toll Plaza Host computer (if available) via the
web interface.
Interpolated (Voting)
Lane Assignment tab Voting algorithm,
Inter-Reader network
An Ethernet network of Readers at an ORT site used for ORT
installations having more than 8 regular width lanes (or 5 wide
lanes) in one direction