User's Manual

User Manual | SRU-8X1X RFID Reader 18000-63
Doc No. 47000001740
Version 01
Page 81 of 105
The ReaderStart creates a directory in which the system variables are stored in the folder
%userprofile%\Documents\Kapsch TrafficCom AG\ReaderStart v3. It is possible to edit the
ActionlistActions.xml file manually using a text editor.
ลน To see the individual actions, refer to the Configuration Protocol .
The approximately 150 reader commands with corresponding variance of the parameters do not allow for a
uniform list. A selection of all options is extensive. Therefore, it is recommended to only list commands
required in the application.
The following example demonstrates the syntax of the actions:
<!--Activate buzzer for 500 ms, CommandID: 0x0045, Parameter: 0x01F4-->
<Description>Activate buzzer (500 ms)</Description>
<!--LSB first-->
<!--Get EPCs, CommandID: 0x0101-->
<Description>Get EPCs</Description>
<!--LSB first-->
The example above shows the Activate buzzer 500 ms and Get EPCs actions.