User`s guide

28 Kaspersky Mobile Security 7.0 Enterprise Edition
Figure 16. The SMS-Clean tab
If you wish to be able to delete the phone book once your mobile device has
been stolen or lost, select the Remove contacts item and assign value Yes to it.
Contacts will be erased only from the phone book stored in the device. SIM card
phone book will not be deleted.
In order to delete mail, SMS messages (Inbox and Mailbox folders) select the
Clean inbox and assign value Yes to it.
The Remove personal files item ensures deletion of personal data (data from
folder !:\Data\). By default deletion of personal files is not provided. If you wish to
be able to delete your personal data in case your device is stolen or lost, select
this item and assign value Yes to it.
Use the Remove card files item to enable clearing the memory card on the lost
device. By default this ability is disabled. To enable erasing of data from the
memory card, select the Remove card files and select the Yes value.
To enable the option of deleting network connection settings, select the Delete
network settings item and set the value to Yes.
Press OK to save the changes.