User`s guide

Kaspersky Mobile Security for Microsoft Windows Mobile 57
3.6. Updating the application
operation settings
For details about the joint operation of Kaspersky Mobile Security and Kaspersky
Administration Kit see Kaspersky Mobile Security Administrator’s Guide.
While using Kaspersky Mobile Security jointly with Kaspersky Administration Kit
the application operation settings will be set by the policy for a group of mobile
devices. Activation of the application and the applying of the policy settings
blocked to prevent changes will take place when a device is being added to the
administration group.
Later synchronization of the application with the Administration Server will be
performed automatically using intervals set in the policy settings.
In order to start application manual synchronization with the Administration Serv-
1. Start Kaspersky Mobile Security (see section 2.1.1 on page 9).
2. Open the Update section.
3. Select the Synchronize item.
During the synchronization the application operation settings will be loaded from
the Administration Server and reports about the application’s operation will be
sent from the device to the application server. If the application operation settings
did not change since the time of the last synchronization, the policy settings will
not be applied.
3.7. Firewall
The Firewall module is designed for monitoring the network activity and
protection of your mobile device at the network level (see Figure 40).
In order to change the Firewall settings, perform the following:
1. Start Kaspersky Mobile Security (see section 3.1.1 on page 38) and
open the Firewall section.
2. Select the Firewall Settings item. In the window that will open set the
protection level to specify the level of monitoring of the incoming and
outgoing traffic. You have the following options: