User`s guide

Kaspersky Mobile Security 7.0 Enterprise Edition 7
1.3.1. Installing using the user’s computer
After you connect the mobile device to a computer included into the
Administration Server logical network, kmlisten.exe utility window will open
(see Figure 1). This utility is designed to ensure installation of Kaspersky Mobile
Security 7.0 Enterprise Edition onto a mobile device.
Figure 1. Kmlisten utility
In order to install Kaspersky Mobile Security, perform the following actions:
using kmlisten.exe utility window, check the box next to the name of the de-
vice onto which you wish to install the application and press the Install but-
ton. The distribution kit for the application installation will be copied to your
mobile device and started.
1.3.2. Installing using an SMS message
In order to install the application the network administrator can use the
installation service using an SMS message (for details see Kaspersky Mobile
Security 7.0 Enterprise Edition Administrator’s Guide). An SMS message
containing the URL of the server on which the application installation kit is
located will be sent to the mobile device.