Installation Manual Part 2

Installation manual Reader 85
Modications, misprints and errors excepted
7. Programming the Reader
7.7. Installation Linux application
The reader is equipped with a separate module, running a linux on it. That gives the user the opportunity to install an
application that will start automatically after powering up the reader. The ash memory is divided into a writable and a
read only part of the le system.
This application note describes how to install a user application to the non-volatile memory (ash) of the reader. To
do this it is necessary to copy the application and the script, which starts the application, to the target and make both
- RRU4-ETL-xx/ ARU-ETL-xx
- Ethernet connection to the reader
- For connecting to the Reader a client like putty ((F))
- ftp client e.g. ftp (for Windows you can use the Explorer)
- the user application
For writing and compiling an application please use the manual for the Reader.
First make a connection to the reader by opening a command shell:
C:\> putty –telnet ip_address for xxxx-ETL-xx
C:\> putty -ssh ip_address for xxxx-ELC-xx
where ip_address is the address of your reader. Per default this address is The default login data is “root”
with the password “UHF-RFID-Dev”.
To copy a program to the reader ftp is used. Therefore the ftp server on the reader needs to be started. This can be
done via telnet by calling
# /usr/rd/ftpstart
from the command line.
Now it is possible to establish a connection to the reader via ftp. To do so, open another command-shell, go to the
directory of the application to copy and start the ftp client e.g.:
C:\> ftp ip_address
where ip_address is the address of you reader. Login name is “root”, no password is required. If there is a problem
establishing the connection, check your rewall or ask your network administrator
To copy the application use
# put source /ash/destination
where source is the source lename and if necessary the directory from where to copy it. Destination should be the
lename that it should be called on the target. It’s important to copy the le into the “/ash” folder, because there is the
writeable le system.
After the le is put in that folder, the ftp is not needed anymore. With
# /usr/rd/ftpstop
the server can be stopped. The FTP service is also stopped after a reboot.
On reader side the application le needs the permission to execute for all intended users. To change the permission
# chmod permission_owner permission_group permission_other application
where all permission_xxx consist of 3 bits, rst read, second write and third execute. If the bit is set, the permission is
granted otherwise it is not. At least the application should be executable. Application is the name of the application on
the target. To give the permission to read and execute to all 3 groups it should look like this:
# chmod 555 application