User's Guide

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Connections and Displays
10.3 ARU 2400 | ARU 2401
10.3.1 Front View
1 2
Fig. 15: ARU 2400 – Displays
No. Name Function
indicates whether the reader is on; see also
14.6 Reading the PWR LED Indications
basic LEDs (A1-A4) indicate if an RF signal is on for antennas 1–4 (default setting)
For other functions of the basic LEDs, see
16.4.1 Selecting Functions
Related topics
14.6 Reading the PWR LED Indications
The ARU 2401 is the FCC version of the ARU 2400. The two units are basically the same. Dierences are
explicitly mentioned below. However, the displays and connections are identical for both readers.