User's Guide

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Type Order number Far-eldhalf-powerbeamwidth Polarisation Frequency range
FCC antenna 52010258 60°/60° circular 865–928 MHz
SMSH high-gain 3030
©KRAI ETSI antenna 52010259 60°/60° circular 865–868 MHz
SMSH high-gain 3030
©KRAI FCC antenna 52010318 60°/60° circular 902–928 MHz
SMSH Antenna ETSI 52010523 60°/60° circular 865–868 MHz
SMSH KRAI Antenna ETSI 52010524 60°/60° circular 865–868 MHz
SMSH Antenna FCC 52020526 60°/60° circular 902–928 MHz
SMSH KRAI Antenna FCC 52010527 60°/60° circular 902–928 MHz
Note that the ©KRAI SMSH high-gain antennas have a read range of up to 3m.
The ©KRAI SMSH standard antennas read transponders at a distance of up to 1m.
Note that the SMSH high-gain antennas (order no. 52010260) and SMSH standard antennas (order no.
52010219) do not have ©KRAI and cannot be cascaded.
8.3 Further Reference Material
In order to congure the reader correctly and adapt it to the respective application, it is necessary to have detailed
knowledge of the EPCglobal standards of GS. This standard describes the principle of operation of the interface
between the tag and the reader.
The parameters available for the conguration of the reader are described in the
Conguration Manual for Kathrein RFID
UHF Readers
The reader is controlled via the Kathrein reader protocoll (KBRP), the current version of which is described in detail in the
Communication Protocol Kathrein RFID UHF Readers
Document Application
Communication Protocol Kathrein RFID UHF Readers
software development
Conguration Manual for Kathrein RFID UHF Readers
Installation Manual for Kathrein Antennas
setup and installation
EPCglobal Gen2 Specication
software development
Putty – SSH Client
( software development
Make sure the version of the document matches the software version of the reader, see
Radio-Frequency Identity Protocols Class-1 Generation-2 UHF RFID Version 2.0.1 atd/epc-rd-uhf-air-interface-protocol/2-0-1.