User's Manual

4. Software
4.3.7 Echtzeituhr (Real-time clock)
Here the reader's real-time clock can be read and set. Click the “Zeit lesen” (Read time) button to read
the RTC from the reader and display it in the “Uhrzeit” (Time) and “Datum” (Date) elds.
The time can be set by manually entering the time in the “Uhrzeit” (Time) and “Datum” (Date) elds.
An easier variant is to select the “PC Zeit setzen” (Set PC time) check box. Then the current time is
transferred to the related boxes. The time is transferred to the reader by clicking the “Uhrzeit setzen”
(Set time) button.
4.3.8 Meldungen (Messages)
All reader error messages are logged on this tab. These include whether the connection to the PC
was established successfully, whether the connection to the PC has been interrupted, whether
it was not possible to nd a free transmission channel or whether the reader has detected an
antenna fault.
4.3.9 Menu bar Datei (File)
On this menu you can open and save the con guration as well as the settings for the software in
the form of a XML le. The “Beenden” (Exit) command closes the application. Ansicht (View)
On this menu the contents of the status box can be deleted. All messages that occur during
operation are saved in this box and deleted at speci c intervals. If you want to reset the box,
use the “Ansicht” (View) menu. Einstellungen (Settings)
On the “Einstellungen” (Settings) tab the access to the reader's write operations on the tag can be
inhibited for unauthorised personnel. If a write password is set, the user cannot perform any write
operations on the tag without entering the password and the related buttons are not available.
The following dialog box is displayed by clicking the “Schriftart EPCs lesen ändern” (Change read
EPCs font) command (see next page):
By selecting the “Daten in Log File schreiben” (Write data to log le) check box the data from
the status box are saved in the le “log.txt” in the program folder.