User's Manual

Basic Operation
The CA49 digital piano allows up to 3 dierent songs to be recorded, stored in internal memory, and played back at
the touch of a button.
Recording a song
1. Entering song recorder mode
While the normal playing screen is shown in the display:
Press the [REC] button.
The LED indicator for the [REC] button will start to ash, to
indicate that the piano is in recording standby mode, and the
Recorder screen will be shown in the display.
2. Selecting a song memory
Press the [UP] or [DOWN] buttons to select the desired Recorder
song memory to record to.
Song has been
recorded to
* If a Recorder song memory has already been recorded to, a
will be shown. If this song memory is recorded to again, the previously
recorded song will be erased.
3. Starting and stopping the song recorder
Press a key on the keyboard.
The LED indicators for the [PLAY/STOP] and [REC] buttons will
turn on, and recording will start.
* Recording can also be started by pressing the [PLAY/STOP] button,
allowing a rest period or empty bar to be inserted at the beginning of
the song.
4. Stopping the song recorder
Press the [PLAY/STOP] button.
The LED indicators for the [PLAY/STOP] and [REC] buttons will
turn o and the recorder song will be stored to internal memory.
* The maximum recording capacity is approximately 10,000 notes.
* Recorder songs will remain in memory after the power is turned o.