User's Manual

Keyboard and Sound Settings
On an acoustic piano, the shape, density, and texture of the hammers all inuence the tonal character of the
instrument’s sound. Technicians utilise a variety of tools such as needles, les, and brushes to manipulate
these hammer felts, with the ultimate goal of achieving a balanced tonal character across the keyboard.
The Voicing setting recreates various hammer properties, allowing the overall tonal character of the ES110
digital piano to be set to one of four dierent types.
While the default ‘Normal’ voicing setting should be appropriate for a broad range of musical genres, it may
be desirable to select a softer, more mellow tonal character for romantic pieces, or a brighter, more aggressive
tone for modern styles.
* This setting will aect all sounds.
Voicing type
Voicing type Description Key
Normal (default) The normal tonal character of an acoustic piano throughout the entire dynamic range. C4
Mellow A softer, more mellow tonal character throughout the entire dynamic range. D4
A tonal character that changes dramatically from mellow to bright, depending on the
strength of key strike.
Bright A bright tonal character throughout the entire dynamic range. F4
Changing the Voicing type
Press and hold a SOUND button, then press the key assigned to the desired Voicing type.
Lowest key
* Any changes made to the Voicing setting will remain until the power is turned o.
* Preferred Voicing settings can be stored to a Registration memory for convenient recall, or to the Startup Setting memory for automatic selection
when the instrument is turned on. Please refer to pages 19 and 49 for more information.