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KKM Co.Ltd KGateway(for KBeacon) Configuration
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Wait 30 seconds to 1 minute after saving the settings. If the base station flashes green light,
the network connection between the base station and the cloud is normal. If it still flash red LED,
the network connection between KGateway and the Cloud maybe failed. Check if the HTTP/MQTT server running normal
Scenario 1: Using MQTT server
Please refer to section 7.2 Using third parts MQTT client to verify KGateway in
<<KGateway API Introduction>> document.
If MQTT client connection fails, please check:
1) is there a firewall on the MQTT server to prevent other client connections? The default
port of the MQTT server is 61613.
2) Whether the MQTT server is installed correctly.
Scenario 2: Using HTTPs server
You can use curl tools to verify if the connection and the key file is right.
curl --request POST --url '' --header 'content-type:
application/json' --data
4D027E4395AB78CC"}]}' --include