Product Info

KKM Co.Ltd KGateway(for KBeacon) Configuration
Copyright by KKM Inc. public 30 / 33
"dmac": "7996010A33DD",
"advCnt": 13848450,
"vbatt": 3113,
"secCnt": 13917330,
"temp": 26,
"time": "2019-09-02 09:51:12",
"rssi": -75,
"type": 8
"gmac": "D03304002122"
7.6 Scenario 6: Filter advertisement packet by service ID
The BLE advertisement packet can include Services ID. For example, the Eddystone beacon
packets services ID is 0xFEAA. If we set the service id, then the KGateway will only report
Google Eddystone packet.
7.7 Scenario 7: Beacon Location
Sometimes the clouds only need to monitor beacons RSSI for location. Then the Gateway
only needs to scan devices RSSI and mac address. Because the Gateway will not scan
advertisement packet data, so we cannot set the Upload iBeacon/Eddystone/KSensor to YES.
In this scenario, the Gateway will only report the beacons RSSI and mac address to clouds.
advertisement uploaded:
"msg": "advData",
"obj": [{