User's Manual

New Record
9 Start recording the sound.
9 To save the current recording sound, press the left soft key.
9 To pause the current recording sound, press the right soft key.
9 To continue the recording, press the right soft key again.
9 Showing the list of saved sound.
9 Each saved sound has the following options ;
Play : Play the recorded sound file.
Append : Add extra sound to the previous selected sound file.
Rename : You can change the file name.
Delete : You can delete the sound file.
Delete All : You can delete all of the sound files.
Settings :
Pref. Storage: Select the target storage ; Phone / Memory card
File Format: Set the format of the sound files ; AMR / WAV
Forward : Forward the selected sound file to ; “To User Profile”, “To MMS”, “To
Melody compose
9 You can compose ring tone with this menu.
9 On “Melody Composer” screen, you can find the list of composed melody.
9 Press [L/SOFT-KEY] for “Add” to compose a new ring tone – 1
time of composition