User's Manual

options are available.
List Style: You can see the list type.
Matrix Style: You can see the matrix type.
Use as
: Send the picture to the target place. The following
options are available.
To wallpaper: Send the picture to wallpaper.
To screen saver: Send the picture to screen saver.
To power on display: Send the picture to power on.
To power off display: Send the picture to power off.
Caller picture: Send the picture to Contacts.
Send the picture to the target place.
To MMS: Send the picture to MMS
To Email: Send the picture to Email.
To Bluetooth: Send the picture to Bluetooth.
: Change the name of the selected photo.
: Delete the selected photo.
Delete all files
: Delete all the saved photos.
Sort by
: Rearrange the saved photos by selected means. The
following options are available.
Name: The saved photos are sorted by name.
Type: The saved photos are sorted by type.
Time: The saved photos are sorted by time.
Size: The saved photos are sorted by size.
None: The saved photos are not sorted.
Select where the photo will be stored. The following
options are available.
Phone: The saved photos are stored to phone.
Memory card: Save photos to memory card.
Camera setting
You can select the following camera setting value. All the shortcut
keys are valid only in the camera preview mode.
Shutter sound: Select shutter sound when you take a photo.
The following options are available: