User's Manual

The following options are available.
Last Call Time : You can see the last call time of your call.
Total Sent : You can see the total sent call time of your call.
Total Received : You can see the total received call time of your
Reset All Time : When you want to reset call time, select the Reset
All Time.
Call Cost
This menu is dependant to SIM card. Please contact your service
provider for detail.
Last Call Cost : Used to show the cost of the last call.
Total Calls Cost
: Used to show the cost of total call.
Reset Cost
: Used to reset all the cost items.
Max Cost
: Used to show and set the credit of cost.
Price per Unit
: Used to show and set the price per unit of cost of
a call.
SMS Counter
In this menu, you can view the sent and received messages. It can be