User's Manual

Record : You can record FM Radio.
Append : You can append FM Radio to the previous selected sound
File List : You can see file list.
Note! If the earphone is not connected, FM Radio can not turn on.
Schedule FM Record
This menu allows you to record FM Radio at a specific time. You can
select the following setting value;
On/Off, Recording Time, Repeat, Channel Settings, Record Settings.
Note! If the earphone is not connected at a specific time, FM Radio
can not record.
Melody compose
You can compose ring tone with this menu.
On “Melody Composer” screen, you can find the list of composed melody.
Press the left soft key for “Add” to compose a new ring tone – 1
time of
composition only.
Key map is as follows ;
[1] ~ [7] : Do ~ Si.
[8] : Vibration.