User Manual

Allow USB Connection: Will turn on the USB port when
connecting to a PC or from a USB host, such as an
external hard drive.
Allow External Links in Apps: Allows the parent to
block or allow some external links in applications
(like advertisements).
Protect the User Profile with a Password: Prevents
another user from accessing the profile, such as a sibling.
Auto-authorize Applications after Install: Applications
downloaded from Parental Area will automatically
appear in the child's profile (not recommended).
Clickable Notifications: Turn this setting on to make
notifications sent by apps live & clickable in the profile.
Profile Settings
From the master list of apps shown, check the box
next to the app to use it in the profile.
All unchecked apps will not appear on this profile's
It is also possible to import the settings from another
profile or from the predefined 'easy setup' profiles.
All allowed apps will appear on the main screens of
the child's profile interface.
App Management
You can set the time limits for play each day or every
day of the week with a few simple clicks. Define
times your child can play with Kurio during the day,
or define the maximum play time per day to be used
throughout the day.
Define the time slots when the tablet will be "usable"
by the current profile.
Activate Time Control by switching "on" the button
at the top of the screen.
Day by Day Setting: Swipe your finger on the tablet
to set the desired time slots in the day. You can
make several time slots and set different time
slots for each day of the week.
Apply the same settings to the entire week: Click
on the box at the top of the screen to make the
time control settings the same every day.
Time Management
Activate this control to set the maximum play time for
your child throughout the day. With this setting is turned
on, the child can use the tablet during any of the time
slots, but cannot exceed the max time for the day.
The playtime is displayed below each day. Press on the
day you want to manage and a pop up menu will allow you
to set-up the max play time for the selected day.