User Manual

You need outputs? K-Mix has them.
K-Mix comes equipped with 10 outputs — 8 balanced 1/4” TRS outputs and one stereo headphone output.
Outputs are grouped into stereo output “busses” or “bus pairs” — the main output bus, three aux output bus
pairs, and the headphone output bus.
Outputs 1 and 2 are K-Mix’s “main outputs”, or “main output bus”. This is the default stereo pair that audio
will go out of when mixing.
The main output bus has its own set of DSP effects, including an EQ, compressor, and noise gate.
The reverb send effect gets mixed into the main outputs when reverb is enabled. The reverb returns
post-DSP effects; the reverb signal will not be affected at all.
Outputs 3–8 are K-Mix’s “auxiliary outputs”, or “aux outs”. These six outputs are split into three stereo pairs,
Aux 1, Aux 2, and Aux 3.
Aux 1 = outputs 3–4
Aux 2 = outputs 5–6
Aux 3 = outputs 7–8
Audio can be freely routed out any of these outputs using the aux send levels and aux panning.
Unlike the main output bus, the auxiliary outputs do not have any DSP effects.
The reverb send effect is not mixed in to the aux outputs.
Each of K-Mix’s eight input channels have adjustable aux send level controls for each aux output pair.
These can be adjusted directly from the K-Mix hardware or via the K-Mix Editor.
Each aux send level fader/control for each aux output pair can be set to operate either “pre” or “post”
When set to “Pre”, the currently selected channel’s main volume fader will have no effect on the
level going to the aux; the send level fader will be the only level control.
When set to “Post, the currently selected channel’s main volume fader will have an effect on the
audio going to the aux. Both the send level fader and the channel’s main volume fader are in
control of the audio going to the aux. If the send level fader is all the way up, but the volume fader
for the selected channel is all the way down (or muted), no audio will be sent to the auxes.
Aux pre/post switches can be adjusted directly from the K-Mix hardware or via the K-Mix Editor.