
© KEMET Electronics Corporation • P.O. Box 5928 • Greenville, SC 29606 (864) 963-6300 • C1016_C0G_ARRAY_SMD • 2/29/2016 22
Surface Mount Multilayer Ceramic Chip Capacitors (SMD MLCCs)
Capacitor Array, C0G Dielectric, 10 – 200 VDC, (Commercial & Automotive Grade)
Packaging C-Spec Ordering Options Table
Packaging Type
Ordering Code (C-Spec)
Commercial Grade
Bulk Bag
Not Required (Blank)
7" Reel/Unmarked
13" Reel (Embossed Plastic Tape) / Unmarked
Automotive Grade
7" Reel
13" Reel/Embossed Plastic/Unmarked
Default packaging is "Bulk Bag". An ordering code C-Spec is not required for "Bulk Bag" packaging.
The terms "Marked" and "Unmarked" pertain to laser marking option of capacitors. All packaging options labeled as "Unmarked" will contain capacitors that have
not been laser marked. The option to laser mark is not available on these devices. For more information see "Capacitor Marking".
Reeling tape options (Paper or Plastic) are dependent on capacitor case size (L" x W") and thickness dimension. See "Chip Thickness/Tape & Reel Packaging
Quantities" and "Tape & Reel Packaging Information".
For additional Information regarding "AUTO" C-Spec options, see "Automotive C-Spec Information".
All Automotive packaging C-Specs listed exclude the option to laser mark components. The option to laser mark is not available on these devices. For more
information see "Capacitor Marking".
−55°C to +125°C operating temperature range
Superior ex performance (up to 5 mm)
Saves both circuit board and inventory space
Reduces placement costs and increases throughput
Lead (Pb)-Free, RoHS and REACH compliant
EIA 0508 (2-element) and 0612 (4-element) case sizes
DC voltage ratings of 10 V, 16 V, 25 V, 50 V, 100 V, and 200 V
Capacitance offerings ranging from 10 pF to 2,200 pF
Available capacitance tolerances of ±5%, ±10%, and ±20%
Non-polar device, minimizing installation concerns
100% pure matte tin-plated termination nish allowing for
excellent solderability
SnPb termination nish option available upon request
(5% Pb minimum)
Commercial and Automotive (AECQ200) grades available
Typical applications include those that can benet from board area savings, cost savings and overall volumetric reduction such as
telecommunications, computers, handheld devices and automotive. Flexible termination technology benets applications subject to
high levels of board exure or temperature cycling.