
10© KEMET Electronics Corporation • KEMET Tower • One East Broward Boulevard A4006_ESC • 4/22/2019
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301 USA • 954-766-2800 •
Single-Ended Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors – ESC, +105°C
Mounting Positions (Safety Vent)
by electrolysis will regenerate the dielectric layer but, at the same time, the hydrogen released may cause the internal
pressure of the capacitor to increase. The overpressure vent, or safety vent, ensures that the gas can escape when the
pressure reaches a certain value. All mounting positions must allow the safety vent to work properly.
As a general principle, lower-use temperatures result in a longer, useful life of the capacitor. For this reason, it should be
ensured that electrolytic capacitors are placed away from heat-emitting components. Adequate space should be allowed
between components for cooling air to circulate, particularly when high ripple current loads are applied. In any case, the
Do not deform the case of the capacitors or use capacitors with a deformed case.
• Verifythattheconnectionsofthecapacitorsareabletoinsertontheboardwithoutexcessivemechanicalforce.
If the capacitors require mounting through additional means, the recommended mounting accessories shall be used.
Verify the correct polarization of the capacitor on the board.
Verify that the space around the pressure relief device is according to the following guideline:
Case Diameter Space Around Safety Vent
≤16mm > 2 mm
>16to≤40mm > 3 mm
> 40 mm > 5 mm
It is recommended that capacitors always be mounted with the safety device uppermost or in the upper part of the capacitor.
• Ifthecapacitorsarestoredforalongtime,theleakagecurrentmustbeveried.Iftheleakagecurrentissuperiortothe
value listed in this catalog, the capacitors must be reformed. In this case, they can be reformed by application of the rated
rated voltages.
In the case of capacitors connected in a series, a suitable voltage sharing must be used.