
3© KEMET Electronics Corporation • P.O. Box 5928 • Greenville, SC 29606 • 864-963-6300 • S6015_FY • 3/28/2017
Supercapacitors – FY Series
Performance Characteristics
Supercapacitors should not be used for applications such as ripple absorption because of their high internal resistance
similar to that of secondary battery such as power back-up in DC circuit. The following list shows the characteristics of
supercapacitors as compared to aluminum electrolytic capacitors for power back-up and secondary batteries.
Secondary Battery Capacitor
NiCd Lithium Ion Aluminum Electrolytic Supercapacitor
Back-up ability
Eco-hazard Cd
Operating Temperature Range 20to+60°C 20to+5C −55to+105°C −40to+85°C(FR,FT)
Charge Time few hours few hours few seconds few seconds
Charge/Discharge Life Time approximately 500 times
approximately 500 to 1,000
limitless (*1) limitless (*1)
Restrictions on
yes yes none none
Flow Soldering not applicable not applicable applicable applicable
Automatic Mounting not applicable not applicable applicable
(FM and FC series)
Safety Risks
leakage, explosion
leakage, combustion,
explosion, ignition
heat-up, explosion gas emission (*2)
(*1) Aluminum electrolytic capacitors and supercapacitors have limited lifetime. However, when used under proper conditions, both can operate within a
predetermined lifetime.
(*2) There is no harm as it is a mere leak of water vapor which transitioned from water contained in the electrolyte (diluted sulfuric acid). However,
application of abnormal voltage surge exceeding maximum operating voltage may result in leakage and explosion.
Typical Applications
Intended Use (Guideline) Power Supply (Guideline) Application Examples of Equipment Series
Long time back-up 500μAandbelow
Embedded memory
DVD player, television,
game console, set-top box
FY series
Motor driver
DVD player, printer,
projector, camera
Environmental Compliance
All KEMET supercapacitors are RoHS Compliant.
RoHS Compliant