
7© KEMET Electronics Corporation • KEMET Tower • One East Broward Boulevard SE0208_SS • 2/12/2019
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301 USA • 954-766-2800 •
Proximity Sensors – SS Pyroelectric Infrared Sensor Modules
Applications cont.
Use of Lens for up to 5 m Detection
~ 5 m
Chassis surface
A lens is required to detect up to 5 m.
Detecting range variations will depend on the usage environment.
Tape & Reel Packaging Information
Series Packaging Type Pieces per Tray Pieces per Box
SS Tray 50 200
Handling Precautions
Pyroelectric Infrared Sensors should be kept away from indirect and direct sunlight, the headlights of cars, wind, and
exposure to strong vibration and strong shock. Do not use in water, alcohol ETA, corrosive gas or undersea breeze. Do not
drop or apply any mechanical stress.
Pyroelectric Infrared Sensors should be stored in normal working environments. Solderability will be degraded by exposure
to high temperatures, high humidity, corrosive atmospheres, and long-term storage. KEMET recommends that maximum
storage temperature not exceed 25°C and maximum storage humidity not exceed 50% relative humidity. Atmospheres
should be free of chlorine and sulfur-bearing compounds.
Temperature uctuations should be minimized to avoid condensation on the parts. For optimized solderability sensors
stock should be used promptly, preferably within six months of receipt.
Export Control
For customers in Japan
For products which are controlled items subject to the “Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Law” of Japan, the export
license specied by the law is required for export.
For customers outside Japan
Sensors should not be used or sold for use in the development, production, stockpiling or utilization of any conventional
weapons or mass-destructive weapons (nuclear weapons, chemical or biological weapons, or missiles), or any other